this just in...
one of our good pals called via the funphone just moments ago...
there are now two special offers available for the smb nation east conference, slated to take place just 3 short weeks from today.
you didn't know about smb nation east?
well then...for those of you who've been sleeping under a rock for the past couple of months...
smb nation is having their first ever east coast conference!
and if you think this will be some kind of lightweight, half-baked, weak imitation of the redmond couldn't be more wrong.
check out this list of presenters, if ya don't believe me!
and thanks to the call your friendly neighborhood happyfunboy just received...
the funcave is one of the first places either of these offers have been posted...
- use the promo code community when registering for the conference to receive a $50 discount
- conference fees for sbs user group leaders are waived! if you are an sbs group leader, e-mail nancy or kristal to sign up.
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